Friday, 18 November 2016

Floods of victims from a gory depression accident

On rare occasion, turning up to college to learn about a subject I already know inside-out yields anything of value to me.
However, yesterday I have reassessed the value of my studies following a classmate finding something.

This... something, is a rare gem among... other very similar gems. I would say it has helped me see clearly, but frankly I'm still blinded by the bangs of my hair.

I present to you... Script Generator! -

What this is is a system that takes words you input and spits out a plot based on one of four topics you can choose from.
My first shot of this has gave me probably one of the best pieces of literature I've ever seen.

"The chief surgeon of a famous Glasgow hospital is distracted by a messy relationship with his sister as the E.R. floods with victims from a gory depression accident.

The situation is complicated by the presence of a surly performance evaluator (played by Haruhi Suzumiya) named Balphazar who has the authority to fire any doctors who are costing the hospital administration too much money.

One patient has a severe infection in her leg that may cost her livelihood as a pirate ninja cyborg if it is not raped upon quickly.

X-rays have revealed that another uncooperative patient has had a toaster mysteriously lodged inside his colon in a life-threatening manner.

Meanwhile two interns are having a torrid affair which is very nearly uncovered by an orderly when he finds their thigh-high sock near the hospital garbage chute.

After an hour of melodramatic work, the chief surgeon returns home to his sister with a coffin of chocolates and a cat, only to find himself on the losing side of another killing match."



I might genuinely write a story based on this...